Web Development with WordPress Mastery Course

LessonsSubtopics and Lessons
Chapter 1 :- Introduction to WordPress Development
1. Understanding Web Development Basics– Introduction to Web Development
– Fundamentals of HTML
– Introduction to CSS
– Basics of JavaScript
2. WordPress as a Content Management System– What is a Content Management System?
– Evolution of WordPress
– Comparing WordPress with Other CMS Options
3. Setting Up Local Development Environment– Introduction to Local Development
– Installing and Configuring XAMPP (Windows)
– Installing Local by Flywheel (macOS)
– Installing WordPress Locally
Chapter 2: WordPress Fundamentals
1. Installing WordPress on a Web Server– Choosing a Hosting Provider and Domain
– Uploading WordPress via FTP
– Running the WordPress Installer
2. Exploring the WordPress Dashboard– Navigating the Dashboard Interface
– Managing Posts
– Managing Pages
– Understanding Custom Post Types
3. Understanding Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types– Creating and Managing Blog Posts
– Creating and Managing Static Pages
– Exploring Custom Post Types
4. Navigating the Media Library and Uploading Files– Uploading Media Files
– Organizing Media with Categories and Tags
– Inserting Media into Posts and Pages
Chapter 3: Introduction to Themes and Plugins
1. Choosing a Suitable Theme for Your Project– Understanding Theme Selection
– Exploring Theme Sources
2. Installing and Activating Themes– Installing Themes from the Repository
– Installing Premium Themes
3. Exploring the Importance of Plugins in WordPress Development– Understanding the Role of Plugins
– Essential Plugins for Every Site
4. Installing and Configuring Essential Plugins– Installing Plugins from the WordPress Dashboard
– Configuring SEO Plugins
Chapter 1:- Introduction to WordPress Development
1. Introduction to Elementor Page Builder– Understanding Page Builders
– Exploring the Elementor Interface
2. Installing and Setting Up Elementor– Installing the Elementor Plugin
– Configuring Global Styles
3. Building and Customizing Pages with Elementor– Creating New Pages with Elementor
– Designing Layouts with Widgets
– Customizing Element Styles
4. Utilizing Elementor Templates and Blocks– Exploring Elementor Templates
– Using Elementor Blocks
Chapter 5: Designing Headers and Footers
1. Exploring Header and Footer Design Principles– Understanding Header and Footer Importance
– Principles of Effective Design
2. Customizing Headers and Footers Using Elementor– Designing Custom Headers with Elementor
– Crafting Footer Layouts
3. Creating Sticky Headers for Better User Experience– Understanding Sticky Headers
– Enhancing Sticky Headers with Interactivity
4. Adding Navigation Menus to Headers– Creating Custom Menus
– Assigning Menus to Different Locations
LessonsSubtopics and Lessons
Chapter 6: Mastering Page Customization
1. Using Custom Page Templates for Unique Layouts– Installing and Setting Up the Yoast SEO Plugin
– Optimizing On-Page Content
– Generating XML Sitemaps
2. Exploring the WordPress Customizer for Visual Changes– Introduction to the WordPress Customizer
– Customizing Site Identity and Branding
3. Modifying Page Layouts Using CSS and Elementor’s Advanced Styling Options– Introduction to CSS for Styling
– Customizing Elementor Elements with Advanced Styling
4. Incorporating Multimedia Elements Effectively– Adding Images and Graphics
– Embedding Videos and Media Players
– Creating Image Galleries
Chapter 7: Introduction to eCommerce with WooCommerce
1. Setting Up an Online Store Using WooCommerce– Introduction to WooCommerce
– Installing WooCommerce Plugin
2. Adding and Configuring Products in WooCommerce– Adding Physical Products
– Adding Digital Products
– Configuring Product Variations
3. Customizing the WooCommerce Shop Pages– Designing the Main Shop Page
– Creating Product Category Pages
– Using Shortcodes for Product Listings
4. Managing Orders, Inventory, and Shipping Options– Processing Customer Orders
– Managing Inventory Levels
– Configuring Shipping Options
Chapter 8: Enhancing eCommerce Functionality
1. Exploring WooCommerce Extensions and Plugins– Installing and Setting Up the Yoast SEO Plugin
– Optimizing On-Page Content
– Generating XML Sitemaps
2. Setting Up Payment Gateways for Secure Transactions– Introduction to Payment Gateways
– Configuring PayPal Payment Gateway
– Configuring Stripe Payment Gateway
3. Implementing Product Reviews and Ratings– Enabling Product Reviews
– Moderating Product Reviews
4. Integrating Social Sharing and Wishlist Features– Adding Social Sharing Buttons to Product Pages
– Implementing Wishlist Functionality
Chapter 9: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for WordPress
1. Understanding the Basics of SEO and Its Importance– Introduction to Search Engine Optimization
2. Optimizing On-Page Elements: Titles, Meta Descriptions, Headings, URLs– Crafting SEO-Friendly Page Titles
– Creating Effective Meta Descriptions
– Structuring Page Headings for SEO
– Optimizing URLs for Search Engines
3. Using SEO Plugins Like Yoast SEO– Installing and Setting Up Yoast SEO Plugin
– Optimizing On-Page Content
– Generating XML Sitemaps
4. Generating XML Sitemaps and Improving Site Speed– Generating XML Sitemaps
– Improving Site Speed
Chapter 10: Website Security and Maintenance
1. Implementing Security Best Practices– Understanding Website Security
– Creating Strong Passwords
– Using Two-Factor Authentication
2. Installing Security Plugins for Malware Scanning and Firewall Protection– Introduction to Security Plugins
– Installing and Configuring Wordfence
– Monitoring and Scanning for Malware
3. Backing Up Your WordPress Site Regularly– Understanding the Importance of Backups
– Using Backup Plugins
– Performing Manual Backups
4. Updating WordPress Core, Themes, and Plugins Safely– Understanding Software Updates
– Updating WordPress Core
– Updating Themes and Plugins
LessonsSubtopics and Lessons
Chapter 11: Launching and Managing Your Website
1. Pre-Launch Checklist– Testing for Compatibility and Responsiveness
– Reviewing Content for Accuracy
– SEO Review and Optimization
2. Choosing a Reliable Web Hosting Provider and Domain Name– Selecting a Suitable Hosting Provider
– Registering a Domain Name
3. Uploading Your Site to a Live Server– Moving Your Local Site to a Live Server
– Configuring Domain and URL Settings
4. Ongoing Website Management and Content Updates– Managing Content Updates
– Monitoring Site Performance
– Engaging with Users
Chapter 12: Troubleshooting and Advanced Tips
1. Common WordPress Issues and Their Solutions– White Screen of Death
– Error Establishing Database Connection
– Common Plugin Conflicts
2. Debugging Techniques and Tools– Enabling WP_DEBUG for Error Reporting
– Using Debugging Plugins
– Analyzing PHP Error Logs
3. Implementing Custom Functionality Using Child Themes and Custom Code– Introduction to Child Themes
– Adding Custom CSS with Child Themes
– Writing Custom Code Snippets
– Integrating Third-Party Libraries and APIs
4. Exploring Advanced Plugins and Integrations for Specific Needs– Researching Advanced Plugins
– Implementing Third-Party Integrations
Chapter 13: Final Projects and Case Studies
1. Students’ Final Project Presentations– Showcasing Student Projects
– Celebrating Achievements
2. Showcasing Real-World WordPress Success Stories– Analyzing Successful Websites
– Learning from WordPress Professionals
3. Analyzing Case Studies of Websites with Successful WordPress Implementations– Exploring Case Studies
– Identifying Key Takeaways